24 septembre 2024
Since its creation in 2022, ABRACA has been actively representing and defending the interests of authors and animation artists in the whole Belgium. Now, many of our actions need the support of active volunteers to keep on going.
Could it be you?
Led by Hannah Letaïf and Jeroen Ceulebrouck, this group of action is in sheer need of additional representatives to attend the monthly/quarterly/annual meetings of our
- reforms working groups,
- Pro Spere meetings,
- SACD meetings,
- ChaCon,
- Etats Généraux,
- Center du cinéma etc.
This is where we assert our needs, our point of view, our existence and our demands with politicians, other film associations, institutions and so on.
This is the most important gang and unity does make strength. At meetings, ABRACA is often represented by just one person in the face of sometimes hostile and often ignorant trade groups. The recommendation is to be officially represented by at least three people. To ensure availability, mobility and workload flow more smoothly, we need more people in this division.
Count me in!
This department is supervised by Nadia Micault. We need help to divide the workload for :
- writing communications texts,
- produce visuals for events and communications to members (posters, social networking communications, etc.)
- layout communications in various formats (email, insta etc.)
- distribute communications (mailing, networks, etc.)
- ensure continuity of presence on social networks,
- publicize the association (people, missions, etc.),
- communicate around events
- create visual aids (banners, badges, roll-ups, teesh etc.)
In fact, ABRACA’s visual identity needs a serious overhaul, both in terms of branding on the networks and on its own website. If you’d like to brand it up, you’re more than welcome!
Count me in!
Events are precious moments of togetherness. They enable us to meet members and discuss important issues, thanks to:
- the organization of round tables,
- our presence at festivals (speeddating, readings and workshops, both creative and technical).
- collaborations with other associations (ASA, Unie Van Regisseurs etc.)
- collaborations with Belgian schools (La CAmbre, KASK etc.).
Events are important for creating cohesion, visibility and simply existing. We need people to make them possible, to give ideas, to look for contacts, to book rooms, to be available to travel, to moderate, to intervene. We lack leaders for the organisation of events at the moment. And that’s sorely missing.
Count me in!
Lauri Saunders and Bartel Brunel are pioneers in the development of ethical thinking around the use of AI, and are doing an excellent job of monitoring and lobbying institutions to prevent the unfair use of AI in the animation industry. Come and help!
Count me in!
Many of you have complained about unfair labor conditions, unscrupulous contracts and non-standard wages. Represented by Iris Alexandre and Jeroen Ceulebrouck, partnerships are being formed with MEDIARTE (for technicians) and other institutions such as SACD and SABAM (for authors). It’s a two-pronged approach:
- We need to educate animation workers, because you have rights and you need to know them to avoid putting yourself in a bad professional situation.
- We need to listen to the realities of our members, to help change deleterious professional behavior.
We need volunteers to support this work of meeting, monitoring and listening. This work is then taken up by the LOBBYING division, which passes on widespread failings to the political level and to producers’ associations.
Count me in!
A very underestimated and completely neglected area! ABRACA needs a small, autonomous party team. For the moment, we’ve managed to get together for a drink once a year, but the general consensus is that this is far too little. We’d like to get together three times a year. We need a team to find venues, negotiate rates and conditions, motivate our DJs in their spare time, and even organize a screening of our members’ work. It’s all up to us.
Count me in!
ABRACA collaborates extensively with other associations, schools, institutions, etc. (mentioned above). We need volunteers to communicate and maintain contact and momentum between the ABRACA office and our partners.
Count me in!
The secretariat is strategic, hyper-important and multi-faceted. We need help to :
- keep member registrations up to date,
- take notes during Board meetings, Lobbying meetings and appointments
- manage round table registrations.
We already have a secretary, Mathieu Georis, and we need several volunteers to make sure that all the availability and workload doesn’t fall on just one person.
Count me in!
We need your help to keep ABRACA going.
There are too few of us to deal with the present threats (fundings, Netflix etc.).
We need help to continue to meet you and organize the exchanges that make us a community.